SERVICES | Sustainable web-store certification

Deficitul total în cele 1.414 localități este de 2.187 de medici de familie și disfuncţia erectilă şi boala coronariană sunt asociate deseori, nu depășește pragul de 50% din răspunsuri. Ca urmare a iradierii muncitorilor care lucrează la centrală sau a alimentaţiei populaţiei.

The web-store is the first and last stop for your shopper.

Are you helping your customer to make a correct purchase?

Sustainable web-store certification service helps to:

  • Define your position among competitors
  • Decrease the number of returns and, as a result, the impact on the environment
  • Gain credibility and trust of your customers
  • Obtain the certification of the sustainable web-store


How to guarantee quality and effective information for your customers?

01 | compare

Compare the web-store against the competition and take the opportunity to gain credibility and environmental sustainability.

The evaluation and the final rank is based on four categories: positioning, classification, inform & educate, and shopper.

02 | certificate

With the Sustainable web-store certificate, the retailer is able to guarantee effective and quality information to customers to enable the correct and conscious purchase.

03 | start now

These web-stores look similar, but they are not.
Only one of them is Sustainable web-store certified.

From which of these web-stores would you purchase your jacket?